12104 Alternate A1a Apt G4 Palm Beach Gardens Fl 33410

About This Home
Listed by • The Keyes Company (PBG)
Redfin last checked: 2 minutes ago | Last updated Sept 22, 2013
Beaches MLS # RX-2502735
Bought with • The Keyes Company (PBG)
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Gardenway Cond A Thr
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Interior Features
- Master Bath with Separate Shower
- # of Baths (Total): 2
- # of Baths (Full): 2
- Dining Area Description: Dining-Living
- Family Room
- Pantry, Split Bedroom, Walk-In Closet
- Unfurnished
- Window Treatments: Blinds
- Ceramic Tile, Other (See Remarks), Wood Floor
- Dishwasher, Dryer, Electric Range, Refrigerator, Washer, Electric Water Heater
- Central Heating
- Central Cooling
Parking / Garage, Multi-Unit Information, Homeowners Association, Lease / Rent Details
- Assigned
- # of Units in Building (Total): 2
- Unit Floor #: 2
- Governing Body: HOA
- Common Laundry, Pool
- Pets Allowed
- Restrictions: Buyer Approval, Interview Required, No Lease 1st Year, No Truck/RV
- HOA/POA/COA: 190.00
- Mandatory
- Included Fees: Cable, Common Areas, Building Insurance, Laundry Facilities, Lawn Care, Exterior Maintenance, Management Fees, Parking, Pool Service, Roof Maintenance, Sewer, Trash Removal
- Membership Equity: 0
- Land Lease: 0
- Minimum Days to Lease: 365
Exterior Features
- # of Units: 2
- # of Floors: 2
- # of Floors/Stories (Total): 2
- Construction: Concrete Block Stucco
- Has Pool
- Inground
- Size: 0 X 0
Taxes / Assessments
- Annual Taxes: $1,600
- Tax Year: 2004
- Taxes: City/County
- Total Assessed Value: $71,100
Property / Lot Details, Location Details, Listing Information
- Pet Restrictions: < 20 lb Pet, Up to 2 Pets
- Sq. Ft.: 1,200
- Sq. Ft. (Total): 1,200
- Condo/Coop
- Front Exposure: Northwest
- View: Other (See Remarks)
- Corner
- Building Number: 12104
- Building Number: 12104
- Development Name: GARDENWAY F-J
- Selling Agent Commission: 3
- DXORIGMLNO: RX-2502735
- Possession: Subject to Lease
Property information provided by Beaches MLS when last listed in 2005. This data may not match . Learn more.
- Sale History
- Tax History
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$875 per month
30 year fixed, 6.01% interest
Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School
Public, PreK-5 • Serves this home
Howell L. Watkins Middle School
Public, 6-8 • Serves this home
William T. Dwyer High School
Public, PreK-12 • Serves this home
School data is provided by GreatSchools , a nonprofit organization. Redfin recommends buyers and renters use GreatSchools information and ratings as a first step, and conduct their own investigation to determine their desired schools or school districts, including by contacting and visiting the schools themselves. Redfin does not endorse or guarantee this information. School service boundaries are intended to be used as a reference only; they may change and are not guaranteed to be accurate. To verify school enrollment eligibility, contact the school district directly.
Climate Risk
About Climate Risk
Most homes have some risk of natural disasters, and may be impacted by climate change due to rising temperatures and sea levels.
Environmental Risks
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Redfin does not endorse nor guarantee this information. By providing this information, Redfin and its agents are not providing advice or guidance on flood risk, flood insurance, or other climate risks. Redfin strongly recommends that consumers independently investigate the property's climate risks to their own personal satisfaction.
Based on Redfin calculations of home data from MLS and/or public records.
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- Some homes get multiple offers.
- The average homes sell for around list price and go pending in around 28 days.
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can sell for about 5% above list price and go pending in around 11 days.
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- Some homes get multiple offers.
- The average homes sell for about 1% above list price and go pending in around 35 days.
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can sell for about 4% above list price and go pending in around 13 days.
- Some homes get multiple offers.
- The average homes sell for around list price and go pending in around 36 days.
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can sell for about 3% above list price and go pending in around 14 days.
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More Real Estate Resources
What is 12104 Alternate A1a Unit G4?
12104 Alternate A1a Unit G4 is a 1,200 square foot condo with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
This home is currently off market - it last sold on March 09, 2005 for $140,000
How many photos are available for this home?
Redfin has 1 photos of 12104 Alternate A1a Unit G4.
How much is this home worth?
Based on Redfin's Palm Beach Gardens data, we estimate the home's value is $185,459
When was this home built and last sold?
12104 Alternate A1a Unit G4 was built in 1972 and last sold on March 09, 2005 for $140,000.
How competitive is the market for this home?
Based on Redfin's market data, we calculate that market competition in 33410, this home's neighborhood, is somewhat competitive. Homes sell for around list price and go pending in around 28 days.
What comparable homes are near this home?
What's the full address of this home?
The full address for this home is 12104 A1AAlt Apartment G4, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410.
Source: https://www.redfin.com/FL/Palm-Beach-Gardens/12104-A1AAlt-33410/unit-G4/home/42279407
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